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Главная » 2009 » Июль » 2 » Ashampoo Cover Studio Portable 1.0 Rus
Ashampoo Cover Studio Portable 1.0 Rus

программа от известного немецкого разработчика, которая позволяет создавать обложки для ваших дисков. С помощью данного инструмента вы сможете создавать обложки для своих компакт-дисков за малый промежуток времени, нежели вы это делали бы вручную. Программой поддерживаются все современные форматы упаковок CD/DVD, а также современные принтеры с прямой печатью на диск. Из особенностей программы стоит выделить поддержку всех типов стандарта компакт-дисков, использование готовых шаблонов обложек, в которых от вас только потребуется ввести свои текстовые / графические данные, создание собственного дизайна обложки и многое другое. Как и во многих продуктах данного разработчика, программа имеет приятный, стильный и многоязычный интерфейс, включая поддержку русского языка.

Do you still label your CDs and DVDs with handwritten scribbles? It doesn’t look good but creating good-looking labels is such a drag – first you have to figure out a complicated program, then you have to spend half an hour “designing” something that looks halfway decent. Enter Ashampoo Cover Studio, the new disc label designer for everyone. It guides you step by step and will have you producing great-looking discs, booklets, covers and cases in no time. Just follow the directions, choose the look you like and print. Ashampoo Cover Studio also supports modern direct-to-disc printers that eliminate the hassle and fuss of applying labels to your discs.

Point and click or design your own
The new Ashampoo Cover Studio comes with a stack of professional themes and it can import track and data lists directly from the disc you want to label. For fast results you can use point-and-click design – or you can use your own graphics and do everything your own way.

If you’ve ever struggled with label design software you’ll be amazed at how easy it can be. Just enter a title and any other data and then select one of the pre-designed themes. Your data is entered in the theme automatically and you’re ready to print.

Point-and-click label design
Ready-to-use themes – just enter your title data
Import track data from your disc

Design and create:
Disc labels
Covers for jewel cases, slim cases, DVD and Blu-ray cases
Add your own backgrounds, text objects, images and data tables
Fast alignment and editing tools for images and text

Features and functions
The entire program is designed as an interactive guide. You just select what you want to print – for example a printable disc, a label, a booklet or a case cover – and click Next. Then you will be guided to get the results you want.
Supports all standard disc, case and booklet and label formats
You can design and print printable discs (DVD, CD, Blu-ray), jewel cases, slim cases, Blu-ray cases and booklets.
Use modern direct-to-disc printers
Printing directly onto printable discs means no messy label alignment with special tools.
Import your track data from your discs
Reads the track data from your discs directly into pre-formatted tables in your design. Gets the artist and track data online in seconds.
Point-and-click design with themes
For fast results just enter or import your title and track data, select a theme and print. That’s all there is to it and the program comes with a set of great-looking themes.
Design your own if you want
If you’re feeling creative you can also create your own designs from scratch. Choose and use your own backgrounds, graphics and fonts, create curved text and add data and contents tables.

Размер (RAR): 11.5 Мб
Информация для воссстановления: 2%
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DepositFiles.com Зеркало / Mirror
Vip-File.com Зеркало / Mirror
iFolder.ru Зеркало / Mirror
SmsFiles.ru Зеркало / Mirror
Easy-Share.com Зеркало / Mirror

При копировании материалов ссылка на источник http://1uoz.3dn.ru/ обязательна

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